ATTENDANCE Practices are held three times each week. Athletes are expected to attend all practices unless arrangements are made with their assigned event coach or the head coach in advance. Practice begins promptly at the designated time and athletes are expected to be punctual. The coaching staff reserves the right to limit athletes’ participation in events and/or track meets, and/or to remove athletes from the team, in the event of the failure to adhere to the attendance guidelines and other provisions of the athlete-parent-coach contract.
Parents are expected to pick up their children at the end of each practice (unless otherwise notified by the coaches) or make the appropriate arrangements.
Please be mindful of the infringements imposed on coaches and other parents when athletes are not picked up on time.
Changes to assigned practices will generally be announced at the preceding practice and/or will be indicated on the monthly calendar. Indoor track practice will take place each week unless the practice facilities are closed (e.g. in observance of holidays, etc.).
Attire during practice is very important for both performance and safety. Athletes should wear layered clothing to practice. Sweats or running shorts are preferred with training shoes – no jeans or basketball shoes. Athletes should bring a water bottle to all practices.
TRACK MEETS Roselle RAMS Track Club athletes will compete in local, regional, and national competitions. The Roselle RAMS Track Club plans to be an active member of the New Jersey Chapter of the USA Track and Field (USATF). We will also participate in track meets sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). Roselle RAMS Track Club athletes typically will attend track meets in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. We will also travel with athletes that achieve the qualifying standards for Regional, National, and Invitational meets. If an athlete does not attend a meet without informing the head coach meet fees will have to be reimburse to the club. Athlete will not be allowed to participate in upcoming meets until fees are paid.
Meet Schedule - Early in the season, a meet schedule will be made available to parents. Because meet sponsors may not have all of the details available at the beginning of the season, this schedule may be subject to change. Indoor and Outdoor track meets are held on either Saturday or Sunday. This is typically an all day activity.
The meet schedule may indicate 4 types of meets, with athlete participation as follows:
a. Team meets (T) - do not require any qualifying criteria and make up the majority of meets, all team members will participate.
b. Qualifying meets (Q) - have qualification standards, set by meet organizers that athletes must meet in order to be eligible to participate. These include many championship and like meets.
c. Coach’s Qualifier meets (CQ) - meets where the level of competition may not be appropriate for all team members. For these meets, the coaches will determine which athletes will be asked to participate. All efforts will be made by the coaching staff to provide for the most fulfilling experience for each individual athlete in making these selections.
d. Optional meets (O) – meets outside of the official seasonal schedule. There may be an additional fee for those athletes. This fee would be individual based and be paid by the parents/guardians
Events during the Indoor season include 55m dash, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, race walk, long jump, shot put, and high jump (all athletes do not compete in all events). Outdoor season events include 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, race walk, long jump, shot put, high jump and discus.
Attendance at all meets is strongly encouraged. All athletes are expected to arrive at each track meet 1 hour prior to the start of the meet, regardless of the order of events. You must notify a coach in advance, but no later than the specified deadline, if you will not be attending a specific track meet. Parents shall be expected to reimburse the Roselle Youth Track Club for any meet fees that are paid on their child’s behalf in the case of a “no-show” without adequate notification.
PARENT ASSOCIATION All parents/guardians of athletes on the track team belong to the Track Club Parent Association and should be active participants. Parents are expected to participate in the following areas:
1. Belong to at least one club committee and be an active participant of that committee
2. Support fundraising activities (see Fundraising )
3. Be available to assist with track meet logistical needs when attending track meets
PARENT COMMITTEE The Parent Association is led by a Steering Committee, which is responsible for setting the direction for the Track club by:
A. Supporting and ensuring adherence to the Track Program guidelines and philosophy
B. Managing all administrative functions
C. Determining and directing team activities (e.g. meet participation, community involvement,
D. Establishing and maintaining desirable external relationships (e.g., media, Track & Field Organizations, etc.)
Parents are expected to pick up their children at the end of each practice (unless otherwise notified by the coaches) or make the appropriate arrangements.
Please be mindful of the infringements imposed on coaches and other parents when athletes are not picked up on time.
Changes to assigned practices will generally be announced at the preceding practice and/or will be indicated on the monthly calendar. Indoor track practice will take place each week unless the practice facilities are closed (e.g. in observance of holidays, etc.).
Attire during practice is very important for both performance and safety. Athletes should wear layered clothing to practice. Sweats or running shorts are preferred with training shoes – no jeans or basketball shoes. Athletes should bring a water bottle to all practices.
TRACK MEETS Roselle RAMS Track Club athletes will compete in local, regional, and national competitions. The Roselle RAMS Track Club plans to be an active member of the New Jersey Chapter of the USA Track and Field (USATF). We will also participate in track meets sanctioned by the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU). Roselle RAMS Track Club athletes typically will attend track meets in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. We will also travel with athletes that achieve the qualifying standards for Regional, National, and Invitational meets. If an athlete does not attend a meet without informing the head coach meet fees will have to be reimburse to the club. Athlete will not be allowed to participate in upcoming meets until fees are paid.
Meet Schedule - Early in the season, a meet schedule will be made available to parents. Because meet sponsors may not have all of the details available at the beginning of the season, this schedule may be subject to change. Indoor and Outdoor track meets are held on either Saturday or Sunday. This is typically an all day activity.
The meet schedule may indicate 4 types of meets, with athlete participation as follows:
a. Team meets (T) - do not require any qualifying criteria and make up the majority of meets, all team members will participate.
b. Qualifying meets (Q) - have qualification standards, set by meet organizers that athletes must meet in order to be eligible to participate. These include many championship and like meets.
c. Coach’s Qualifier meets (CQ) - meets where the level of competition may not be appropriate for all team members. For these meets, the coaches will determine which athletes will be asked to participate. All efforts will be made by the coaching staff to provide for the most fulfilling experience for each individual athlete in making these selections.
d. Optional meets (O) – meets outside of the official seasonal schedule. There may be an additional fee for those athletes. This fee would be individual based and be paid by the parents/guardians
Events during the Indoor season include 55m dash, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, race walk, long jump, shot put, and high jump (all athletes do not compete in all events). Outdoor season events include 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, 3000m, race walk, long jump, shot put, high jump and discus.
Attendance at all meets is strongly encouraged. All athletes are expected to arrive at each track meet 1 hour prior to the start of the meet, regardless of the order of events. You must notify a coach in advance, but no later than the specified deadline, if you will not be attending a specific track meet. Parents shall be expected to reimburse the Roselle Youth Track Club for any meet fees that are paid on their child’s behalf in the case of a “no-show” without adequate notification.
PARENT ASSOCIATION All parents/guardians of athletes on the track team belong to the Track Club Parent Association and should be active participants. Parents are expected to participate in the following areas:
1. Belong to at least one club committee and be an active participant of that committee
2. Support fundraising activities (see Fundraising )
3. Be available to assist with track meet logistical needs when attending track meets
PARENT COMMITTEE The Parent Association is led by a Steering Committee, which is responsible for setting the direction for the Track club by:
A. Supporting and ensuring adherence to the Track Program guidelines and philosophy
B. Managing all administrative functions
C. Determining and directing team activities (e.g. meet participation, community involvement,
D. Establishing and maintaining desirable external relationships (e.g., media, Track & Field Organizations, etc.)